My publications are listed on my Google Scholar and ResearchGate pages. Feel free to contact me for PDFs of any papers.
- McHenry, J., D. Okamoto, K. Filbee-Dexter, K. Krumhansl, K. MacGregor, M. Hessing-Lewis, …(plus 15 co-authors) & J.K. Baum, (2024). A blueprint for national assessments of the blue carbon capacity of kelp forests applied to Canadas coastline. doi.
In Review
- Starko, S., G. Epstein, L. Chalifour, K. Bruce, D. Buzzoni, M. Csordas, S. Dimoff, R. Hansen, D. Maucieri, J. McHenry, K. Tietjen, B. Timmer, & J.K. Baum. Ecological responses to ocean warming: a systematic review of the 2014-2016 Northeast Pacific marine heatwave. Biological Reviews.
- Starko, S., B. Timmer, L. Reshitnyk, M. Csordas, J. McHenry, S. Schroeder, M. Hessing-Lewis, M. Costa, A. Zielinksi, R. Zielinksi, S. Cook, R. Underhill, L. Boyer, C. Fretwell, J. Yakimishyn, W.A. Heath, C. Gruman, J.K. Baum, & C. Neufeld. Temperature and food chain length, but not latitude, explain region-specific kelp forest responses to an unprecedented heatwave. Marine Ecological Progress Series. 2024.
McHenry, J., A. Rassweiler & S.E. Lester. Seagrass ecosystem services show complex spatial patterns and associations. Ecosystem Services. 2023.
McHenry J., A. Rassweiler, G. Hernan, A.K. Dubel, A.K., C. Curtin, N. Varias, J. Barzak & S.E. Lester. Biogeographic variation in blue carbon stored by seagrass beds. Limnology & Oceanography. 2023.
- McHenry, J., A. Rassweiler, G. Hernan, C.K. Uejio, S. Pau, A.K. Dubel & S.E. Lester. Modeling the biodiversity enhancement value of seagrass beds. Diversity & Distributions. 2021.
- Lester, S. E., A.K. Dubel, G. Hernan, J. McHenry & A. Rassweiler. Applying spatial planning principles to marine ecosystem restoration. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2020.
McHenry, J., H. Welch H., S.E. Lester & V. Saba. Projecting marine species range shifts from ocean temperatures masks climate vulnerability. Global Change Biology. 2019.
Siegel, K. J., R.B. Cabral, J. McHenry, E. Ojea, B. Owashi & S.E. Lester. Sovereign states in the Caribbean have lower social-ecological vulnerability to coral bleaching than overseas territories. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 2019.
- Welch H & J. McHenry. Planning for dynamic process: An assemblage‐level surrogate strategy for species seasonal movement pathways. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. 2018.
Lester, S. E., E.O. Ruff, K. Mayall, & J. McHenry. Exploring stakeholder perceptions of marine management in Bermuda. Marine Policy. 2017
McHenry, J., R.S. Steneck, & D.C. Brady. Abiotic proxies for predictive mapping of near‐shore benthic assemblages: Implications for marine spatial planning. Ecological Applications. 2017.